Sunday, December 4, 2011

More Posing Pics from Today!

Hey Everyone!
Since it is the beginning of December I thought  I would post some more posing pictures.  I still have a lot of kinks to work out and perfecting the needs to take place, but I feel I am slowly but surely getting better and more comfortable with the posing.  But that might be another story once I get the "Bay Watch" type suit and feel as though my entire butt is showing to the world!  LOL

Here are the pictures I took just moments ago!

Back Pose! These shorts make my butt and legs look really bad!  Good to know, never wearing these to the gym again!

Left Side Pose!  Still trying to figure this one out.

Relaxed Right Side Pose.

Relax Left Side Pose.

Right Side Pose.

Front Pose.  I strongly dislike this pose!

Well that is all for today folks!  I am off to the gym for my Sunday workout, then to Costco for my food!

Thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Vlog Update!

Hey all!

Here is a quick clip of what is going on! For those of you who don't want to watch it.  Here is a quick tidbit of what has been going on.
  • My diet is going good, eating what I am supposed to but still having a hard time eating enough
  • I am going to order my Suit soon and I am pretty sure it will be Teal.
  • I have figured out how to flex my Lats.  
  • I will be posting progress photos and video of me posing come the beginning of December-ish.
  • That is about it.  I now have about a month left of bulking!  

Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

What color should my Figure Competition Suit Be?

Hey all!
I need some major help deciding what color my Figure Competition Suit should be.  I would be awesome if you would vote below!  I will also include pictures of each color I am referring to below the poll. 

Every vote will help!  I need to order my Suit soon!

What color should my Figure Competition Suit be?
Turquoise free polls 




Thanks everyone! 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Posing isn't as easy as it looks!

Hey all!  (five of you LOL)
I went to my first posing session on friday of last week so I admit I am a little bit late on posting this.  Anywho... it went great.  I learned a lot; lots of little things that I wouldn't have known otherwise.  The biggest issue I am having is figuring how to flex my lats.  Not only do I need to learn how to flex them consistently but I also need to make them bigger!

So about ten minutes ago I took pictures and made a short (ghetto) video of me posing. Unfortunately I accidentally deleted all of the pictures when copying them all accept one.  I will put it below.

This is supposed to be my unofficial "relaxed" pose.  I haven't perfected it yet (obviously).  May I also add, that I don't have a mirror in front of me to see what I look like, hence the reason it is NOT perfect.  Well enough excuses.  It simply isn't perfect yet haha.  I should have my back shoulder a little bit more forward to make it appear as if I have a smaller waist and I should be pushing out my booty a little bit more.  I need to work on my gluteus maximus!

Here is a super ghetto video of me posing.  Please be kind, this is without a mirror and with very, and I mean VERY, little practice.  Also, sorry for the sound not working and the retarded flashing, I am too lazy to make it perfect right now! 

Sorry, for some reason the sound didn't work except for the sweet music. So let me narrate "Hey everyone this is me posing.  Sorry for this being SOOOO ghetto!"  I decided to screw making it perfect Because I have to hit up the gym!

Thanks for visiting. 


Stella Athletics

Hey all! I love and sport Stella Athletics and they are doing a black Friday sale!

Stella Athletics is a super cute workout clothing line! Made in the USA!
Order online at :
Stella is offering 20% off all online orders Monday through Black Friday. Use coupon code: BLACKFRIDAY at checkout.

They were just on ABC 4 News, check out the link below!

Stella Athletics



1. a fighter or warrior.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cute Workout Tops

Hey Everyone!
 I just want to introduce the workout clothing line that my cousin in law sells.  It is called Stella Athletics, the workout tops are so cute, I have two of them and I want more!  These tops are super well made and very durable.  I have received so many compliments on these tops at the gym!  If you are interested in getting any of these tops please feel free to let me know!  She is local!  Here name is Kelly and she is the woman on the far left in this picture! 

Here are the two tops that I own.  I was given these tops as a gift for my birthday in August from my Mother in Law Gaylene.

If you are interested in any of the Stella Athletics Apparel, please let me know and I can contact Kelly for you!

Thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vlog Update!

Hey everyone!  This is my second vlog post.  I am enjoying this vloging thing, it is so much easier and more personable.  Here is my vlog for tonight!

Here is the link for Stella Athletics
Here are the links to the two tops that I have and LOVE!
Top 1
Top 2

Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This is my first of probably many Vlogs.  I though it would be a fun change.  I hate typing because that is literally what I do all day at work. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Posing, Nutrition and Fitness Update!

Hey all, I thought I would give you an update.

I met with Heidi Carter, with she was great and was able to put together a specific plan just for me, verses purchasing her full competition package considering I don't need a trainer.  I purchased my Nutrition Plan and Posing.  It is super nice because I can just pay as I go.  I pay for a new nutrition plan as I need it and I pay per session for Posing.  My first posing session is November 16th.  I am super excited about it.  I will be doing a session this month, in December, in January, and then more frequently in February and March as needed. 

So far I officially started my new diet yesterday, it isn't too different from my eating habits that I had prior.  I am now lowering my fat intake and adding more calories.  Unfortunately I will no longer be able to eat all my egg yolks, which is quite a big deal to me, considering I love me my boiled eggs, especially the yolks!  I thought it was crazy hearing that I needed to up my calorie intake but right now I am in my bulking stage; working on adding about 1-1/2 lbs of muscle over the next 2 months.  High protein and low fat is necessary.  Weight is such a big deal to me, so it may be hard to see those numbers on the scale go up, but the image in the mirror will probably over compensate for that.

I need to gain more muscle in my Shoulders and Lats, but lean out everywhere else.  So currently I am lifting super heavy, which feels awesome because I have been sore over the last few days.  I am not doing very much cardio because I am bulking up.  The only cardio I will be doing is the Stairmaster for 10-15 minutes (doing speed intervals) after my weights, or a quick HIIT workout on the treadmill after my weights.  I don't want to risk losing muscle by hitting cardio too hard.

So far that is the update!  I will keep you posted!

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
  2. Continuance in a state of grace leading finally to a state of glory.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Competition Update!

Last night at the gym I met with Amy Nelson and Nate Peterson.  Amy has competed in Figure, she answered questions that I had regarding the politics of competing, and her overall experience with competing.  Apparently there are politics involved, as there are with anything.  But she said she has loved her overall experience.  I also spoke with her boyfriend, Nate Peterson, who is a Trainer/Nutritionist/Competitor.  I need to look into my nutrition/supplementation and workout for 3 months prior to the show.  So I am currently weighing my options and looking into the nutrition and training. 

I am also meeting with a woman by the name of Heidi Murphy Carter, with on Monday.  She has a full competition package, but I am looking into just purchasing the stuff that I need, like posing instruction.  I will keep you posted on what I think of what she has to offer and if I chose to use her.  Regardless I will probably use her for spray tanning. 

Update on the Competition Suit.  I have decided to purchase a plain competition suit and then add crystals myself, considering I love crafty stuff, as my old age approaches.  I think I am going to go with the color magenta, because I love this color.  Here is an example of the color I want.
I should be fine in this color considering it looks great with brown hair and my skin color, which will be brown on the day of the show.

Thanks for visiting.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I am currently looking into all of the details regarding preparing for the Show!  There are so many little details that competing entails.  Here is a list of everything I need to do, that I have figured out so far:

Competition Task List
1. Research/Possibly Get Trainer.
2. Get my Nutrition Plan all worked out. 
3. Purchase Shoes.
4. Purchase Competition Suit (not cheap).
5. Practicing Posing/Possibly get Posing Coach if necessary.
6. Sign up for Show.
7. Get my spray tanning option for day of show. 
8. Up my workouts and HIIT Training. 
9. Drink Loads of Water, until a few days prior to show.

This is just a simple list and I am sure this list will get longer as a go.  I will keep you posted regarding when I complete a task or a new task is added!  

Oh yeah....I am starting a new workout next week.  I will update my "Current Workout" page as soon as I start next week.  

Thanks for visiting!  

I wish being healthy was as easy as this definition below makes it seem! 


  1. In good health: "feeling fit and healthy".
  2. (of a part of the body) Not diseased.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I have decided to jump on the Competition band wagon.  It has been something that has always been in the back of my mind.  Since I have been into fitness for quite some time now, I need something to work towards and be excited about; competing in Figure is it!  I have a lot of work to do, as well as a lot of learning that must take place, but I am stoked! 

Being fit and looking your best has many benefits...socially, emotionally, sexually, physically, etc.  It has always been a dream of mine to compete and see how fit I can become.  I think that this competition coming in 2012 is a way for me to set my goals and have a deadline that I have to meet.

I'm not looking to take home the 1st place trophy, not that that wouldn't be totally awesome.  I am doing this for myself.  To give me a reason to workout more and eat healthier, not that there aren't several other reasons.  But if I am going to get up on stage in front of judges and a crowd specifically to be judge on my body; that is reason enough. 

Currently I am researching on Trainers, etc.  I have about a month to decide if I want to work with a Trainer or move forward on my own.  I will need a total of 3 months of hard core training in order to get fully ready. 

I am totally excited and will keep you posted regarding the steps I take!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Counting calories isn't the only thing that matters...

Counting calories is a good way to make sure you don't over eat, but counting calories alone won't ensure that you are healthy.  If you stay within your caloric needs but eat nothing but Twinkies and drink Diet Coke all day, your body is going to be screaming for help. You stayed within your needed calories, so your good, right?  NOT.

Counting calories is necessary, but planning what food is included in those calories is priority.  According to, MyPyramid recommends that you eat 45 to 65% of your calories from carbs, 10 to 35% of calories from protein, and 20 to 35% of calories from fat.  (If you want to trim fat, lower your fat and up your protein intake.)

There are plenty of calorie counting apps on your phone that allow you to track what you eat and it will provide you with the amount of carbs, protein and fats you have eaten.  For example I use Calorie Counter on my Android. (LOVE IT)  It helps me see what I am eating and the amount of carbs, protein and fats that are in those certain foods.  

In order to help you stay within your calories and eat the right portion of carbs, protein and fats, you should plan your meals ahead of time.  For example, I bring certain foods to work each day; when all you have is good and healthy stuff to choose from, eating healthy isn't too hard because it is your only option.  Fill your fridge with healthy whole foods and you will eat healthy whole foods, cause that's all you have!  

As always, if you have any questions regarding my blog or your health and fitness, please let me know.  I am always willing to share knowledge that I have and gain all the knowledge that I possibly can!  



What I am fueling up with today!

Here is today's food Journal/Plan...

1 slice of Sara Lee 45 calorie wheat bread, toasted and topped with Davids All Natural peanut butter.
1 Bottle of water. (On the way to work.)
2 boiled eggs.

1 boiled egg.
1 Bottle of water. (In increments of 10 gulps, as usual.)

Salad w/avacado, little cheese, cherry tomatoes, onions and topped with balsamic dressing.
1 Bottle of water.
Cottage Cheese with Cherry tomatoes if still hungry.

1 Bottle of water. (On the way home from work.)

Probably chicken with some sort of carb.
1 Bottle of water.

1 Bottle of water.
Small amount of protein powder after Workout.

Attempt to drink 1 more Bottle of water.

The fuel you put in your body effects how well your body performs.  Make sure that you provide you body with the amount of fuel it needs to perform daily functions.  If you don't then you BMR will lower more quickly, being that it lowers each year as you age.  Be active, eat healthy, and enjoy life!

Thanks for Visiting.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breakthrough... well kinda!

So I just hopped on the scale no longer than five minutes ago and I have lost about 5lbs.  I couldn't believe what I saw, so I had to double check, sure enough the second time around it was still the same, 5lbs.  The mind boggling thing is, I have no idea how!  My diet has been fairly the same, relatively healthy.  My workouts have been pretty much the same, yet I have been hitting it a little harder at the gym and lifting heavier.  I stopped taking the Tone Detox and Pureberry Max about 5 days ago, I wasn't seeing any results and didn't feel any better so I don't think it has anything to do with those pills.

Let's break it down...
I've been drinking a lot more water over the past 2 weeks.
I've been lifting heavier at the gym.
I've been trying to eat my BMR.
I haven't been on the scale the past few days.

I haven't been able to lose or gain any weight for 2 years, so you can imagine how much my mind is racing right now trying to figure out exactly what I did right. 

I think one of the key changes I have made is drinking water; I have been drinking SO much more water.  Also, like I said before, I have been eating my BMR the past few days.  I think that is one of the key factors; eating what your body needs. (If you don't know what BMR is, read below in my blog, I have posted about it.)

Anywho, I just wanted to blog about this because I am still in awe!

If anyone else has any break through weight loss or fat loss news, feel free to share.   


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Fuel I am filling my Tank up with today?

Just in case any one is wondering... which no one probably is, but I just felt like posting, this is what I have eaten and plan on eating for today.

1 slice of 45 calorie Sara Lee Honey Whole Wheat Bread, toasted with all natural peanut butter.
Bottle of Water. (On the way to work.)
I usually have 2 boiled eggs, but I need to boil some and I didn't have time last night.

Bottle of Water.  (Attempt, for some reason I don't like to drink water with apples.)

Tuna with mustard (Sounds terrible I know.)
Cherry tomatoes
Bottle of Water (Probably a 30 hour after lunch.)

Bottle of Water (on the way home from work)

Probably Mac'n'cheese.  (Terrible I know.)
Bottle of Water (At the Gym with my workout!.)

Probably some boiled eggs, if I get to boiling some.  I usually boil like 30 at a time!

Well, there you have it.  I probably am not eating enough to fulfill my BMR, which I need to focus on.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Simple Ways to Shave 250 Calories.

This is a great link, provided by Brooke, my sister-in-law.  (Thanks Brooke)  Thought it would be good to share.

Thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are you eating enough to allow your body to actually lose weight?

Most of us generally believe that in order to lose weight you have to eat less calories, but how do we know what less is?  Do you actually know how many calories your body needs to perform basic functions, and are your providing your body with that necessary fuel?  These are important questions to ask yourself when you are attempting to lose weight/fat.  There are so many fad diets out there but they typically aren't the answer to overall weight loss and body fat loss.  In all reality the only way to lose weight, in a healthy manor, is to eat right and exercise.  No one fitness and eating plan is going to work for everyone, but eating healthy food and getting exercise is recommended for all!

Today I decided to calculate my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), for those of you who don't know what this is, because I sure didn't, it is the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day.  So the number of calories your body uses to just simply breath and function on a daily basis.  If you aren't providing your body this amount of calories(fuel) each day then your body will potentially start to store the food you are eating.  If you are starving yourself in hopes to lose weight you are actually lowering your bodies BMR.  This will make it even harder to lose weight in the future.  

Calculate your BMR; visit this Link

 By calculating your BMR you can figure out how many calories you need to be providing your body to function.  Please keep in mind that the BMR calculation is not always going to be accurate, the BMR can be underestimated for a person that is muscular and overestimated for a overweight person.

Once again, are you providing your body enough fuel to allow you to lose weight, or is your body setting aside too much food storage because it is scarce on fuel?

Feed your body the necessary amount of healthy fuel, exercise at least 5 times a week and you will feel a dramatic change in your overall well being! 

Thanks for visiting.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tone Detox and Pure Berry Max Update.

Here is a quick update about Tone Detox and Pure Berry Max.  Both of which are pills that I have been taking to attempt to lower body fat and detox.

To date, I have not lost any weight, but I do see a slight difference in my body fat.  This could be from  my workouts, healthy eating, etc.  There is no way to know if the pills have done anything to aid in the fat loss, but I am not complaining.

Thanks for visiting.  I will keep you posted.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Nothing like a good workout and a tanning session.

I feel pretty sore today considering my double workout yesterday; I have a "love-hate" relationship with being sore.  I sucks looking like a 90 year old woman when you have a hard time getting out of your chair at work, but at least you know you worked your muscles good and hard.  I would be upset if I wasn't sore considering how much I killed it at the gym yesterday. 

I just got back from today's workout and tanning session.  I just had a little bit of my protein and am blogging as I am waiting for my eggs to boil.  I have an addiction to boiled eggs.  I have been eating 15-20 eggs a week for over a year now.  3 boiled eggs for breakfast and sometimes a couple boiled eggs when I get home, depending on my craving.  Yeah... that's right, I CRAVE boiled eggs.  You can usually find them in my purse, in a baggy of course, considering the smell.  Eggs are so good for you.

Here are 10 reasons why eggs are so good for you

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent macular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.
2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.
3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.
4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks. 5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.
6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.
7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.
8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.
9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%.
10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulfur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.
I got this information from this LINK

Well enough about eggs.  Tonight I worked Shoulders/Triceps/Abs.  My workouts typically last an hour to an hour and a half depending on the cardio I choose to do.  Tonight the gym was so packed I decided to just roll out after weights, skip my cardio, and hit up the Tanning Salon. 

Note: It is important to learn many different ways to work out each muscle group in case the particular machine, etc you are needing is being used.  Tonight I needed to do Rope Press Downs, using the cable, but it was being used.  This exercise works your Triceps.  Instead of doing Rope Press Downs I did Tricep Kickbacks, with 20 lbs dumbbells.  15, 12, 10, 10. 
For more information about Tricep Exercises check out this LINK.

Feel free to contact me with any Fitness and Health questions.  I will be happy to answer them for you.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Didn't do well with my workouts this past week...

My regular workout schedule got thrown off a little bit this week due to the other activities that we had planned.  But I thought that I would give you an update.

So I have been taking the Pureberry Max and Tonedetox for the past few days and haven't noticed a dramatic difference.  So far my weight has stayed exactly the same as well as my energy levels. I feel a tiny bit jittery within an hour of taking each dose, but it is not dramatic enough for me to notice unless I think about it.

So far I have not been impressed with the pills considering the results have been next to none.  I hope to see more results over the next few weeks.

I will keep you posted.

As far as my workouts this week, it wasn't a good week for me.  I only worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thursday, we went to the Yellowcard concert, Friday we went out with some friends that were in town and Saturday Jedd insisted on play RC cars all day while I did some clothes shopping.  But today I worked out double.  So I did Legs, Calfs, Chest, Biceps, and Abs.  So I am pretty exhausted but I felt guilty for not working out as usual this week.

This next week will be a better week!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Pureberry Max & Tone Detox

Before I start, I just want to make it clear that by no means am I marketing these products.  I am not trying to get anyone to buy this, I don't get any sort of payment for doing this, or commission if people buy this. I am simply trying this on my own and seeing what it does, for my own personal benefit.

This whole idea is a little out of the ordinary for me but I decided to just give it a shot.  I purchased both Pureberry Max and Tone Detox.  I paid very little for these considering I signed up for the free trial and then immediately canceled once I received the product (actually I canceled before I received the product, I just made sure that each had been shipped).
Below is exactly what I paid:
Pureberry Max: $4.95
Tonedetox: $2.95.
Note: Always purchase Free Trials using a Credit Card.  It is a lot easier to  get your money back with a credit card if for some reason they continue charging you even though you canceled.  You will notice if they charge you because it is about $80 each/month until you cancel; so a total of approximately $160.  If you aren't good at remembering to cancel then I wouldn't recommend doing this.  I think the free trail period is 7 days with one and 14 days with the other.  You will want to call to cancel, all of their information is easily accessible in the email they send you when you "sign up."  Don't let them convince you to "extend" your trial period, JUST CANCEL.  If you like it then you can get more when you choose.

Pureberry Max
Pureberry Max has all natural ingredients which guarantees of no side effects. This amazing product gives amazing results by blasting away the fats out of your body and helps you lose weight.  Pureberry Max helps you boost your metabolism and thus burn your calories. Pureberry Max has been rated by a number of medical practitioners around the globe as the number ONE dietary supplement. (NOTE: they spelled practitioner wrong, I had to fix it.)
To get the free trial/info, click here

Tone Detox
Tone deTox is all natural and works gently in your system. Herbal detoxifiers remove toxins while promoting efficient digestion and reducing calorie absorption. Tone Detox speeds the processing of calories through the GI tract, restricting calorie absorption. The digestive enzymes work efficiently to digest food eliminating gas and bloating while encouraging weight loss.
 For the Free Trial/Info click here

I am sure a lot of the information above about these products is BS, I don't know if I trust it entirely because they had some misspelled words that I had to correct.  So I don't know about the credibility, or maybe these people just can't spell.  ( I know I make spelling errors as well.)
On to more exciting things... 
I started using these pills 2 days ago.  I have been using half of the dosage each day, in effort to try and make it last longer, so two months.  But decided that I am going to take the full dosage to get the full affect.  I haven't noticed too much of a difference with much, but I think that is because I have only being taking half of what I need to.  I took one dose this morning and will take another tonight.  I will have to keep you posted on exactly what it does for me, if anything.

I will post more information as I see, or don't see results!

Thanks for visiting.  If you have any questions about health and fitness please feel free to ask me.  I know some and am happy to research what I don't know and get the info for you.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

TurboFire Review!

So since the middle of July 2011 I have been doing Turbo Fire.  Turbo Fire is a dancy intense cardio program designed to help you burn fat and gain a little muscle.  In Turbo Fire HIIT is used.  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.  It involves intervals of varying intensities, with some of those intensities quite high. A typical HIIT workout involves bursts of “all-out” training followed by periods of lower intensity that allow for active recovery (this means your body can recover somewhat even though you haven’t completely stopped exercising).

I was very consistent for a month straight doing it every day and even skipping some of the rest days.  I took before pictures and measurements.  After the first month I  noticed that I had lost inches specifically in my thighs, which I am happy about, but no specific weight loss.  I had surgery in August and took a vacation so I took some time off doing it.  I have almost completed my second month, due to surgery and vacation, etc I am behind.  The second month of Turbo Fire is all Cardio and no HIIT.  So I rotate through 3 videos, at least that is what it feels like, considering I have memorized the routines and pretty much everything Shalene (the instructor) says.  I am having a hard time finishing this second month, I want to move on to the 3rd month which contains a lot of HIIT workouts, HIIT is nice because the workouts are shorter, they are typically less than 25 min and very intense.

Along with doing Turbo Fire I still go to the gym probably 4 to 5 times a week with my husband and lift, bike, run on an incline and sometimes swim.  So even if I don't do Turbo Fire as instructed on the Turbo Fire Calendar, I am still working out.  I added Turbo Fire to my workout routine.  I didn't replace my entire workout routine with Turbo Fire.  I am doing everything I always do AND Turbo Fire.

How do I feel about Turbo Fire?
I have enjoyed Turbo Fire, but during this second month I have become bored with it.  Also, I do Turbo Fire on pretty much cement floor, being that we live in a bottom unit condo.  Because of this I can feel it in my knees considering all of the jumping, etc.  I like Turbo Fire, but will try moving on to the 3rd month to help with my boredom.

Will I complete the Turbo Fire Program?
 Yes, I will complete this entirely!  I may skip what workouts I have left in this second month and move forward to the 3rd month.  It might be cheating but I hate being bored when I work out.

Results so far...
I haven't taken any after photos, but I have taken some measurements.  I have lost about 1/2 an inch in each thigh and a little bit in the hips.  I haven't noticed any specific loss in the mid section.  My weight has stayed the same, but I don't know how much I could actually really lose being that I don't have very much to lose in the first place.

If you have any questions about Turbo Fire, let me know.  I am thinking of trying Insanity next... If anyone knows a lot about Insanity please let me know. 

Thanks for visiting.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Current Workout Routine.

 The following workout plan I got from LINK
Sample Workout Plan For Figure Contest Preparation

Day 1 - Back, Abs.
  • Reverse Grip Wide Cable Row
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 8 reps
    Set #5: 6 reps
  • Barbell Row
    Set #1: 12 reps
    Set #2: 10 reps
    Set #3: 8 reps
    Set #4: 6 reps
  • Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
    Set #1: 12 reps
    Set #2: 10 reps
    Set #3: 8 reps
    Set #4: 6 reps
  • Back Extensions (add weight)
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 8 reps
  • Stability Ball Crunch
    Set #1: 15-20 reps
    Set #2: 15-20 reps
    Set #3: 15-20 reps
  • One-Legged V Sit *
    Set #1: 30 reps (switch lead leg at 15)
    Set #2: 30 reps
    Set #3: 30 reps
  • Lying Leg Raises
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 15 reps
    Set #3: 15 reps
  • 30 Minutes Cardio Following Weights.
Day 2 - Legs, Calves

  • Smith Alternating Reverse Lunge
    Set #1: 15 reps (each side)
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 10 reps
  • Smith Wide Squat
    Set #1: 20 reps
    Set #2: 15 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 10 reps
  • Step-Ups
    Set #1: 15 reps (each side)
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
  • Lying Leg Curl
    Set #1: 20 reps
    Set #2: 15 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
  • Standing Calf Raise
    Set #1: 20 reps
    Set #2: 15 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 8 reps
    Set #5: 15 reps
Day 3 - Chest, Biceps, Abs.

Day 4 - Shoulders, Triceps.
  • Arnold Press
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 8 reps
    Set #5: 6 reps
  • Standing Bent-Over DB Lateral Raise ***
    Set #1: 12 reps
    Set #2: 10 reps
    Set #3: 8 reps
    Set #4: 6 reps
  • One-Arm Cable Lateral Raise ****
    Set #1: 12 reps
    Set #2: 10 reps
    Set #3: 8 reps
    Set #4: 6 reps
  • Rope Press Downs
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 12 reps
    Set #3: 10 reps
    Set #4: 8 reps
  • Assisted Dips
    Set #1: 10-15 reps
    Set #2: 10-15 reps
    Set #3: 10-15 reps
  • Bicycle
    Set #1: 30 reps
    Set #2: 30 reps
    Set #3: 30 reps
  • Straight Leg Crunch
    Set #1: 25 reps
    Set #2: 25 reps
    Set #3: 25 reps
  • Lying Leg Raise
    Set #1: 15 reps
    Set #2: 15 reps
    Set #3: 15 reps
  • 30 Minutes Cardio Following Weights. 

I have altered it a little bit and have omitted the rest days in between.  If you have any questions about fitness and health please let me know and I will answer/research it and post my findings!

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.
  2. (of a feeling, emotion, or action) Showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.


I am writing this blog to promote health and fitness by sharing my thoughts and experiences, as well as my journey along the way to becoming the most fit me ever! 

I have been into fitness since I was in High School, I was so obsessed with being skinny at a certain point that I would run everyday after school and then do Pilates videos.  Along with pushups and situps every night before bed.   I wouldn't eat very much at all, and I wondered why I wasn't loosing weight... duh!  I remember writing on a sticky note one day 3 goals, "Don't Eat, Exercise 3 times a day, and Be happy." I hung this sticky note on my mirror in my bedroom . I don't think I quite understood things correctly when it came to health and fitness.  High school is bad enough as it is since everyone goes through an ugly stage and since boys are put into the picture.  You are then convinced that all that matters is how you look, at least I was.  Suddenly life isn't about playing night games and barbie dolls, picking up potato bugs and having sleep overs!  It was about boys!

I was a cheerleader in High School which kept me in shape with early morning practices and games 3 times a week. After High School I continued on to Salt Lake Community College to cheer for 3 years and then later Coached the Salt Lake Community College Cheer Team for 2 years.  During that time, and still, I also coach Tumbling and Cheerleading at Colette's Dancing School.

In June of 2010, I was working part time and spending literally 18 hours a week at the gym; two hours in the morning and one hour at night with my husband.  I formed an addiction.  I then started to look into healthy eating.  There was a lot that I didn't know then and still a lot I have to learn now.  I now work full time and don't have as much time at the gym so every workout has to count and what I eat is so important to obtain the body I want.

In this blog I will be sharing my experiences and knowledge that I have and the information that I gain along the way to becoming the most fit me ever!

If you have any questions about fitness let me know, I would love to answer/research and post about it for you!