Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breakthrough... well kinda!

So I just hopped on the scale no longer than five minutes ago and I have lost about 5lbs.  I couldn't believe what I saw, so I had to double check, sure enough the second time around it was still the same, 5lbs.  The mind boggling thing is, I have no idea how!  My diet has been fairly the same, relatively healthy.  My workouts have been pretty much the same, yet I have been hitting it a little harder at the gym and lifting heavier.  I stopped taking the Tone Detox and Pureberry Max about 5 days ago, I wasn't seeing any results and didn't feel any better so I don't think it has anything to do with those pills.

Let's break it down...
I've been drinking a lot more water over the past 2 weeks.
I've been lifting heavier at the gym.
I've been trying to eat my BMR.
I haven't been on the scale the past few days.

I haven't been able to lose or gain any weight for 2 years, so you can imagine how much my mind is racing right now trying to figure out exactly what I did right. 

I think one of the key changes I have made is drinking water; I have been drinking SO much more water.  Also, like I said before, I have been eating my BMR the past few days.  I think that is one of the key factors; eating what your body needs. (If you don't know what BMR is, read below in my blog, I have posted about it.)

Anywho, I just wanted to blog about this because I am still in awe!

If anyone else has any break through weight loss or fat loss news, feel free to share.   


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