Friday, February 24, 2012

HOLY CRAP! In exactly one month I will be on a stage in my itsy bitsy teenie weenie pink bedazzled bikini!

HOLY CRAP!  Where the heck has time gone!?  I can't believe that it is only one month away.  In exactly one month I will be on a stage in my itsy bitsy, tiny weeny, pink bedazzled bikini! ( I definitely just sung that as I typed!)

I have created an event on FB!  Check it out -  EVENT

I was hesitant to create an event considering I don't know how many people I want to actually come ha ha.  But I figured, what the heck, I might as well! 

Come support some amazing Men and Women!

Thanks for visiting!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Random Rambles of a Girl in Prep!

How am I keeping things interesting and my saving graces!
My Eye Candy this morning... what keeps me going--> results! 
Prep Candy: During prep, obviously candy is a "no no", but I have found my way around this!
Kirkland Calcium Chews
Fiber Gummies
Vitamin B12 dissolvable

Best Bread Ever!: What I have looked forward to every night before my workout!
Ezekiel Bread, OMG!  I love this stuff.  I don't think I will ever go back to anything else!  Unfortunately I have just ran out of mine and will not be purchasing it until after the show, due to the cutting of carbs.  Hello oatmeal!

Water Tracking Device: Trying to keep things entertaining!
I decided I needed a good way to track how much water I am drinking since I know that I am lacking in this department right now, Here is a picture of what I have created!

Fat Burner: This is giving me what I need to stay sane and energized!
I really hate the idea of Fat Burners, etc, but it is literally saving me right now.  The last couple of weeks prior to getting my Fat Burner were pretty hard; my energy level, focus and drive were slowly depleting.  I stopped taking my pre-workout, due to the fact that I now need to cut out creatine.  My fat burner is currently keeping me sane.  Plus, I am feeling like I am on cloud 9.  The energy is all from caffeine, but I am now getting by.  By NO means do I suggest taking a Fat Burner without regular exercise and a healthy diet!    

Glitter Glove: Gym Fashion haha!  My face and hair don't look pretty, but my gloves sure do!
So new gloves were becoming a must, holes were forming in the others and the grip was completely gone.  I LOVED my old gloves, I didn't see anyone else with them, but I decided that new gloves would be a must unless I wanted to callus the crap out of my hands.  I hit up target, bought some new ones, then put glitter and be-jeweled them.  If I could glitter everything, I probably would.  Here is how they turned out, I took a risk with this, considering I didn't want to have to buy another pair if they didn't turn out, but I love them.

Cardio Cinema: Something about a dark room and a movie to keep things interesting!
Thank heavens that Golds Gym has the Cardio Cinema room, I have become a frequent there the past 2 weeks.  Sometimes the movie isn't exactly what I would prefer to watch but I makes it so much easier to do my Cardio when there is something else to focus on, minus the fact that I have watched Captain America and Invincible twice now. 
Canned Chicken: Seriously smells like tuna when you open it, but hey it gets the job done!
As much as I would love to have the time to grill myself up some chicken, right now I feel like I don't. 

Protein Shakes: Yummmm!  Doesn't taste healthy but I sure is!
I am loving the protein shakes, it is probably a good thing I didn't figure them out sooner, because with only about 4 weeks left to go I would probably get sick of them if I had discovered them sooner.  Here is the link for the protein shakes that I blogged about yesterday... protein shake!

Well there you have it.  My therapy for the day.  I don't know what it is about blogging that I love, but getting things in writing for the world to see helps put things into perspective.

Thank you for visiting and indulging yourself in my randomness!


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yummiest Protein Shake Ever!

I have been on a Protein Shake kick, to be honest I would rather have this than a steak right now, simply because it feels like I am cheating whenever I enjoy one, plus it is super healthy.  I have literally had one or two of these a day for the past week!

Here is the recipe:
Best Low Calorie shake ever! (Makes 2 servings)
3 scoops Dymatize Chocolate whey Protein
1 Kroger Carbmaster Vanilla or Strawberry Yogurt
Ice (to your liking)
Water (add depending on desired texture)
Place all contents in a blender and, well, blend it, haha...

Makes 2 shakes.
Each serving contains the following:
Calories: 199 (if you only do 2 scoops of protein, this number would be 146)
Protein:  42 grams (if you only do 2 scoops of protein, this number would be 30)
Carbs: 3.5 carbs
Fat: .75 grams

Here are the images of what you will need, just to add some photos to this post! 

and ICE!

You can add many things to this, but in order to keep it low calorie and low carb, I have kept it simple!


Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Coming down to the wire!

 It is coming down the wire.  It is so hard to see the difference in my body when I look at myself in the mirror, but I know changes have occurred.  My body fat has gone down about 2% since I started in October a little over 3 months ago.  This is mostly because of my diet.  It is so crazy to think back to what I used to eat and what I eat now.  I can't believe some of the stuff that I ate and thought was healthy.  I never used to look at my carbs, protein, or fats, I only looked at calories, which is bizarre to me now.  There is so much I have learned and so much more I am learning everyday.

Diet is Mental
A lot of my diet I consider to be mental.  Whenever I see something I want, lately I have been saying to myself "you are stronger than that brownie," or whatever.  But it is easy to let yourself fall into the idea that it won't matter if you eat it, what is a brownie gonna do?  Or sometimes I will catch myself thinking, "I will just do more cardio and it won't matter."

Although it is hard to resist certain things, some days are harder than others.   I feel a sense of accomplishment when I don't eat those things that I crave or am tempted by.  The feeling of accomplishment far outweighs the feeling of regret I get when I do eat those things that I know I shouldn't.  

Nice to be Sweating at the Gym again
Since the last couple months I have been focusing on building verses cutting, my cardio has been pretty low, basically 10-15 minutes on the stair stepper (doing speed intervals).  The last few days I have been putting in about 30-60 minutes, usually stair stepper, or bike, and when I get really bored I will do HIIT on the treadmill (very high incline).  I forget how good cardio makes you feel.  I do love lifting and still get my sweat on doing the weights but it is different. 

Crucial Weeks Ahead
As it gets closer to to the 4 week mark, I am getting more and more nervous and excited about my diet, exercise and posing.  I will see the most changes over those 4 weeks and I am stoked to see it.  I know I am going to have to remind myself to take pictures, because we all know that it is so hard to see the changes in your body when you look at yourself in the mirror everyday.  I will post more pictures as the competition draws closer!  

Feeling the Effects
I have read about others going through prep and doing crazy things, being really tired, and forgetting things, I didn't think this would happen to me.  I was wrong, unfortunately I am not invincible.    Over the last few days I have kinda been in a daze from over working my body.  Jedd keeps telling me I need to give my body time to relax considering I have been going to the gym almost 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day, and haven't been sleeping very well, but I can't help it lol.  I feel like if I am not working out then I am taking steps backwards.  Also when I am home all I want to do is eat lol and there are still things in the house that I am not supposed to eat, so I would rather be at the gym where those temptations don't exist.  

  Fatburner and blinging the suit!
I just ordered my fat burner, for the last 4 weeks of prep I have to stop taking any type of creatine so I will be taking a fat burner before my workout.  This should help give me the energy to take my body to the MAX!  My suit is partially rhinestoned, I am just kinda stuck right now and will slowly continue to work on it, I just want it to be perfect!  

I will be posting pictures of myself in my suit this weekend.  Keep your eye out!  

Thanks for reading my novel today, please excuse any spelling or grammar errors!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Next Big Adventure... Dirty Dash, then Tough Mudder!

I am always looking for new and exciting things to participate in to get my body more fit.  There are many different types of events, etc that can help motivate you to get into shape.  I am really enjoying training and prepping for the future figure show and I will most likely continue to compete, but having other things to train for is healthy and keeps things exciting.  I have decided that I want to participate in the Tough Mudder that is coming to Utah this fall.  It looks sweet and intense. 

Looking at the Tough Mudder website is pretty intimidating.  I looks so intense, that is the only word that I can think of to describe it.  I plan to prep myself by doing the Dirty Dash in June, which looks like so much fun, along with other training that is necessary. 

I know it is a little early to be thinking about another adventure, but I found that the only way to really get me to do it and follow through is by blogging about it, sad I know. 

Check out the links.
Dirty Dash
Tough Mudder

If you are interested in forming a Team for either of these events, please feel free to let me know! 

Thanks for visiting@ 


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Little changes that you can make to your diet to make it healthier!

While prepping for the future figure competition, there have been little changes to my diet that I plan on keeping even after the competition, they are simple changes that I would recommend for anyone that is trying to maintain or lose weight. 

Turkey Products
I love turkey bacon, turkey sausage and turkey burgers!  It is amazing how much LESS fat the Turkey products have.  Try switching up your morning bacon, with Turkey bacon, etc.

Whole Wheat
I didn't used to like anything wheat, then I discovered Sara Lee's 45 calorie whole wheat bread.  It has been a godsend!  45 calories and 7 carbs per slice!  Also, Whole Wheat tortillas, they have more calories than the Flour tortillas but they are better for you. ( I only eat half a tortilla at a time, due to the amount of carbs.)

I started taking Vitamin Gummies, but was eating them like candy.  They have carbs and sugar, so I have had to cut them out and have started taking a regular Multi-vitamin, just to save a few carbs.  But taking your vitamins is so important especially years down the road!

I am trying to drink more water.  Having water right when you wake up gets your metabolism moving... making you burn calories faster when you eat breakfast!  Water throughout the day will keep you alert.  It is easy to confuse hunger with dehydration. 

I seriously don't know how I didn't discover this sooner, veggies are amazing!  They are extremely low calorie, they have tons of the micro nutrients that you need.  I eat my veggies with Fat Free Sour Cream, with the hidden valley ranch dip mix in it.  Low calorie, no fat.  It can be hard to eat veggies plan, so adding a little dip makes a world of difference.  Side note: If you plan on starting to add more veggies to your diet, prepare for tummy aches and gas.  To reduce this drink lemon water or lime water after your veggies, the acid helps break down the food. 

Food Journal
There are so many apps on your smart phones now that allow you to track what you are eating.  I have been tracking my food for about 4 months now.  It is amazing what you learn about food.  You will begin to see how much fat, carbs, and protein is in the foods that you are eating.  What you think is healthy might not be so healthy.   You will also probably be surprised to see the lack of protein and massive amount of carbs and fats that the average American eats.  Tracking what you are eating is important if you are trying to maintain or lose body fat, it is even important to track what you are eating if you are trying to gain.

Eliminate Sodas
Even Diet!  Diet Sodas have an excessive amount of sodium in them, causing you to bloat.  Keep in mind that some sodas, such as Coke, can be used to remove rust, do you really want to put that in your body?!  Sodas are a weight loss killer!  Calories from Sodas add up and are often forgotten about. 

Those are a few of the changes that I have made and plan to make habits of even after my competition is over! 

Please feel free to comment with questions, suggestions, etc.

Thanks for visiting!

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." -Jim Ryan