Health and Nutrition

Counting calories isn't the only thing that matters...

Counting calories is a good way to make sure you don't over eat, but counting calories alone won't ensure that you are healthy.  If you stay within your caloric needs but eat nothing but Twinkies and drink Diet Coke all day, your body is going to be screaming for help. You stayed within your needed calories, so your good, right?  NOT.

Counting calories is necessary, but planning what food is included in those calories is priority.  According to, MyPyramid recommends that you eat 45 to 65% of your calories from carbs, 10 to 35% of calories from protein, and 20 to 35% of calories from fat.  (If you want to trim fat, lower your fat and up your protein intake.)

There are plenty of calorie counting apps on your phone that allow you to track what you eat and it will provide you with the amount of carbs, protein and fats you have eaten.  For example I use Calorie Counter on my Android. (LOVE IT)  It helps me see what I am eating and the amount of carbs, protein and fats that are in those certain foods.  

In order to help you stay within your calories and eat the right portion of carbs, protein and fats, you should plan your meals ahead of time.  For example, I bring certain foods to work each day; when all you have is good and healthy stuff to choose from, eating healthy isn't too hard because it is your only option.  Fill your fridge with healthy whole foods and you will eat healthy whole foods, cause that's all you have! 

Drink Water!

To help motivate me to drink water I set goals for myself.  I have set a goal to drink an entire bottle of water on the way to work, 2 bottles of water while at work, and a bottle of water on the way home from work.  It isn't as hard as it may seem and to make it easier I always require that I take ten gulps of water each time I take a drink.  I tend to count a lot of the things that I do without even realizing that I am counting anyways so this wasn't a hard thing to start doing.

I hope this personal tip will help you! 

Here are ten reasons why drinking water is essential.  I got these reasons from AllAboutWater.Org.
  • Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.
  • Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.
  • Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.
  • Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.
  • For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.
  • Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
  • Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.
  • Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.
  • Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.
  • Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation.
I hope that this motivates you to drink more water everyday and understand the importance of water for our health!

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