Thursday, May 24, 2012

Peanutbutter-a-holics Anonymous

As I sit here sipping on my tea, I realize that it has been a rough couple of weeks.  My body seems to be holding on to some water and a little extra cushion since the March show.  I have been doing carb cycling and can't seem to kick some of the unwanted padding that seems to enjoy my company way more that I enjoy its'!   

I am heavier than I was when I first decided to compete in November of 2011, but granted this is most likely due to the muscle gains.  I am super worried for this next show coming up because I will no longer be competing in the Novice division, I'll be movin' on up to the Open class.  My first show was such a success that anything less would be hard to swallow.  I want 1st place, I am not gonna lie.   

These next two weeks are going to consist of some major cardio, and diet diet diet!  I have banned myself from buying peanut butter, I seriously have a problem with it!  I had it all the way up to the day before the show in March, but decided that if I wanna kick the extra fat for this next show, I should probably stop eating it by the spoonfuls crouched in the corner of my kitchen haha!  I was going through about a jar a week, yep that it about 6000 calories from simply peanut butter, I don't know how I didn't become morbidly obese before my last show.

I am going to be doing my own makeup for this next show, eyelashes included.  This ain't gonna be pretty, but I need to save a pretty penny! I will be keeping it a little be more natural this time around, instead of going with the bright pink like I did last show.  I loved the pink, but I tend to go back and forth between liking flashy or classy!

I will be adding some more rhinestones to my suit, can't have it look exactly the same!  I wanted to get another suit but couldn't decide on a color and figured I would simply just add some colored rhinestones to my suit to give it a different look.

Needing sleep!  I haven't been sleeping as well, nor nearly as much as I should.  This is due to my late nights at the gym, as well as Jedd's late nights working on his toys.  I don't like to go to bed alone, well without him I guess I should say, considering our dogs and cat sleep with us, oh the romance!

Vacations are super tough with such a strict diet!  Let's just say that healthy food is to a Gas Station, as a needle is to a hay stack!  Only so many carry boiled eggs or pickles ha ha.  Hence, why I am dehydrating some veggies, and preparing all my food tonight for our Memorial Day Weekend trip to the Sand Dunes.  If you think that egg whites, chicken breast in a baggie, and broccoli looks funny by a fire, try doing some bicep curls with your weights next to your toy hauler in the morning.  If you have never seen this, take a trip down to the Sand Dunes this weekend, I am sure it will be quite comical to watch.  My pedal bike with be traveling with us so I can get some much needed riding in, early morning so no one sees me ha ha!  Sand plyo-metric's will be happening SUPER early, definitely don't want anyone to see me doing that!  It is gonna be a humbling weekend!

There is so much more I want to write about, but this therapy session is over!  Getting out of my own head and back to reality!

Here are some random pictures!
Show info.

Fat Burner I am using, great for my mood!

How sh*t gets done!

About 2 more weeks.