My Purpose

I am writing this blog to promote health and fitness by sharing my thoughts and experiences, as well as my journey along the way to becoming the most fit me ever! 

I have been into fitness since I was in High School, I was so obsessed with being skinny at a certain point that I would run everyday after school and then do pilates videos, along with push-ups and sit-ups every night before bed.   I wouldn't eat very much at all, and I wondered why I wasn't losing weight. My body was storing my food as fat, duh!  I remember writing on a sticky note one day 3 goals, "Don't Eat, Exercise 3 times a day, and Be happy." I hung this sticky note on my mirror in my bedroom . I don't think I quite understood things accurately when it came to health and fitness.

High school is bad enough as it is since everyone goes through an ugly stage and  boys are put into the picture.  You are then convinced that all that matters is how you look, at least I was.  Suddenly life isn't about playing night games and barbie dolls, picking up potato bugs and having sleep overs!  It was about boys!

I was a cheerleader in High School which kept me in shape with early morning practices and games 3 times a week. After High School I continued on to Salt Lake Community College to cheer for 3 years and then later Coached the Salt Lake Community College Cheer Team for 2 years.  During that time, and still, I coach Tumbling at Colette's Dancing School, to little kido's!  Not easy but so worth it! 

In June of 2010, I was working part time and spending literally 18 hours a week at the gym; two hours in the morning at classes usually Kickboxing and Power Pump, they were back to back and one hour at night with my husband usually lifting or doing yoga/pilates, etc.  I formed an addiction.  I then started to look into healthy eating.  There was a lot that I didn't know then and still a lot I have to learn now.  I now work full time and don't have as much time at the gym so every workout has to count and what I eat is so important to obtain the body I want.

In this blog I will be sharing my experiences and knowledge that I have and the information that I gain along the way to becoming the most fit me ever!

If you have any questions about fitness let me know, I would love to answer/research and post about it for you!